Destructible mesh fracture mesh freezes engine

Hi guys,

Right now when I create a destructible mesh from a static mesh and I press “Fracture Mesh” unreal freezes…
In visual Studio I get the following error:

[2015.01.19-09.00.33:967][951]LogDestructible:Warning: MainMesh Tris: 1309
Ensure condition failed: bPhysicsStateCreated [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.6\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\ActorComponent.cpp] [Line: 799]

Can someone help me with this problem ?

im working on 4.6.1

Does anybody know how I can resolve this ? I would really want to set destructible meshes in my game

Have you tried this in a different project? try in a simple 1st person template see if it occurs? and how many cuts do you have?

It seems that I can make it in a new project without problems, but in my current project it keeps crashing when I fracture Mesh

Yeah, I made them in a new project and than just put them in the other project and now it works… strange but thanks :wink:

not sure but obviously its local to that project have you tried to migrate the destructible from the other project see if it comes in?

Here you might want to look at these links as i’m messing with destructibles too. my issues it the mesh moves/falls over yet breaks and i want it static the roody thing dont want be static. i have downloaded the content and imported into ue4.

I also have this bug in 4.6. I’ve spent some time stepping through the code, this is an engine bug but there’s too much involved to easily fix it.

I commented out this assert in ActorComponent.cpp[799]. I don’t see logically reason why the editor must create physics representation of the destructible for the fracturing.

Thanks, that works around the problem. Definitely a bug