How do I check if screen is in fullscreen mode?

Hi all,

I’m using “Execute command” FULLSCREEN, but it is just a switch and my screen keep going to in windowed and in fullscreen mode every time the player applies the graphic settings. How can I check if the player is already in fullscreen mode?

Instead of the “FULLSCREEN” command, you can try combining the fullscreen/windowed setting with your resolution setting instead with the following commands:

  • Fullscreen: r.SetRes XxYf
  • Windowed: r.SetRes XxYw
  • Example: r.SetRes 1280x720w

To make the string for the console command, you can append the “x” and the “f” or “w” using the Append String nodes. If you always use this new command, I’m sure it won’t randomly toggle anymore, though I don’t know in what way you called yours.

I’m doing that now… is that the only way?

I noticed after switching from VS2015 to VS2017 that the -windowed command no longer worked