Mailto via Execute Console Command?

Hey :),

What i need:
If i hit an UMG button, the game should minimize, and then open the most used eMail Tool on the computer, the game is running on. It should also add a given eMail address into the receptor tab. The UMG Button and its’ communication with other blueprints isn’t my problem, but the mailto command.

Is it possible to trigger a mailto command by using the Execute Console Command Function in a Blueprint?

Thanks for your help :).

Certainly not naively in blueprint. You will have to add this command yourself in C++. However keep in mind that not all people use a email client at all and even more importantly that you will have to write against each OSes API for doing this.

There is no unified solution for Windows, Linux and Mac. You will have to check for each of them and pretty much develop the same feature three times.

If this is possible for you I’d suggest using SMTP directly. You will need the users credentials but you can then send E-Mails directly. That should be the better and easier way if you are not necessarily need this exact feature.

Hmm…thanks for your answer. My problem is, that i’m Technical Artist, coming from the 3D Artist front :D. I have no experience in coding. But i love the Blueprint System and get better and better with every project i work on.
At the moment i’m doing some sort of product placement things and a feature wish of my client was a MailTo function.

But i think, if this feature is impossible with Blueprints, then i have to cancel it :).

You could always just use the URL approach, where your UMG onClicked runs the “Launch URL” function with the URL being “

It won’t work if the user does not have their browser configured to handle those type of URL’s though (most browsers offer the ability to disable mailto).

Hope it helps :slight_smile: