UE4 emmision material light injection

I’ve been trying to inject emissive materials in my scene with no luck. Later I found that there UE4 had the feature removed. is there a way to turn that feature back on through some backdoor sort of way? I plan on using it for arch viz and I have light coves. I would like for my lighting to graze down a wall when I build my lighting.
I tried putting in a post possessing volume but couldn’t get the emissive material light injection to work. It may be me though because I am fairly new to UE4.

Which version are you using? I didn’t read about it getting removed as it was pretty recently introduced. Place your staticmesh with an emissive material in the scene and check “Use Emissive for Static Lighting” under Details > Lighting > Lightmass Settings.

For it to cast light you need a very high emissive value so multiply the input of the emissive value by 10 or 20 or something.

That was it! thanks! I wasn’t setting the “Use Emissive for Static Lighting” on my meshes. Works awesome now!

I thought I read something about them removing GI features for emissive materials. maybe im wrong though.