Cannot uninstall and re-install UE4


W7 error reported
" folder path “X” contains INVALID CHARACTER.

After some research, try and error, couldn’t get this to go away.

Cannot boot up, uninstall or anything.

I erased all the UE4 content from the folder and the folder it self where UE4 was installed in.

It keeps throwing the same ERROR!

Any help?

Hello makugx,

Does your username in Windows have any unusual characters (such as ù or å) in it? This can also happen if any folders in the path have certain punctuation such as the & or ! characters.

Hi makugx,

We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this issue.


Oh I’m sorry. I completely forgot about this.

I resolved it by uninstalling and installing it again.
I did lose all my content and now I don’t know why I can’t get it to work again. (the content, my projects)

no. my computer name is “makugx”

Are you seeing a new/different issue, or the same error message?

Broken in what way? Are they crashing when you try to open them?

No, it’s something different. Now I can’t load the projects I had.
They’re broken or something. I’ll have to start over.

They were before I “fixed it” and could get it to uninstall and install again.
Then when I re-opened, the level was dark. There was nothing but a sunlight actor, which wasn’t on for some reason. When I pressed unlit, it didnt do anything.
Its like the universe I did died completely.
then I went to other projects and they werent there anymore, even if you can see their photo under my projects labels

Are you opening them in the same version of the engine that you created them in?

You could try to open the projects that ‘aren’t there anymore’ by going to the directory on Windows where those projects are saved and opening the .uproject file.

No. There was a lot of time in between making project and re opening it. There are new versions now. Like 2 months went by.

Also, I went to said folder, and I don’t see the file. Which I assume is the one with an UREAL blue logo.

When I go to FILE OPEN, open level it’s not in that folder. There’s nothing.

Thanks and sorry I took so long to reply. Busy stuff going on. but I’m ok now.