Render from Orthograpic cam


I want to render from a certain viewpoint (as the main output camera).
I want to render output to 4 monitors. For each monitor I have created a static plane mesh with a special material that does the rendering per pixel for this plane.
I then want the output of these 4 planes as 1 long output window. So I created a orthographic cam that view directly onto the 4 (monitor) planes. I that cam to be output cam but i dont know how to get it right.
Only when i create a pawn, it picks up the camera of that pawn, but i do not want a pawn.

	if (UWorld* world = GetWorld())
		if (APlayerController* pController = world->GetFirstPlayerController())
			if (APlayerCameraManager* pCamMan = pController->PlayerCameraManager)
				FTViewTarget vt;
				vt.POV.OrthoWidth = 400;

ectionMode = ECameraProjectionMode::Orthographic;
vt.POV.AspectRatio = 4.0f;
vt.POV.Location = FVector(-800, 0, 0);
vt.Target = NULL;
pCamMan->AssignViewTarget(NULL, vt);

I found the solution.

In the constructor (C++) of the Main camera class I have set:

bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget = true;

And changed the above code with:

	if (UWorld* world = GetWorld())
		if (APlayerController* pController = world->GetFirstPlayerController())
			if (this != pController->GetViewTarget())

Then, it automatically adopts the right view target and projection settings.