Level blueprint save on compile issues, no save button on bar

I am on UE4 4.7 preview 4. This took a few hours to figure out. Was a simple matter. Basically when working on a fireworks show I would make changes for when fireworks would shoot off in level blueprint and I would preview it with “VR preview” everything was working accordingly.

But then problem: When I would package project no changes from my level blueprints would take effect. Even after saving my entire project.

Well, It ended being an issue in level blueprints section under file menu, “save on compile” setting. It is by default set to “never” and is greyed out. It also also buried deep in there, there is no save button on top bar here like in other sections. (at least on my screen) so my assumption was it was auto-saving on compile.

I had to go to file “save all” then changes would finally take effect in packaged project. This seemed a little counter-intuitive as I had saved entire project but it would not apply my level blueprint changes on packaging.

I am not sure if this is a recent bug? I still can’t change that setting to auto-save and somtimes I forget to go to file, save all… but perhaps that should be set to default. I feel as though when you package a project it should know to autosave level blueprint, and have same behavior as Editor preview options, and apply updated levelblueprint to package. I spent a good amount of time messing around with maps and modes and various game modes trying to figure out problem. Just want to give a heads up.

Hey haggler2,

Thanks for feedback! I agree that this might be confusing, so I have entered a feature request to add a Save button to Level Blueprint Toolbar for developers to consider. I will let you know what they say as soon as I get an update.

I was not able to reproduce greyed-out Save On Compile option, however. Is this still occurring in 4.7 Preview 7? Is this happening in binary build from Launcher, or have you built from source?

I have save on compile options in level blueprint greyed out and set to Never, where rest of my blueprints are set to Save on Success. I’m on 4.10 and build engine myself.

This has caused me to loose a small amount work a couple of times now when engine crashes.

Hey Sam2103,

I just build 4.10.2 from source, and I’m not seeing this. However, only option I’m aware of is option in Editor Settings > Blueprints. I don’t see anything specifically for Level Blueprint in this regard, nor in any specific Blueprint. Can you elaborate on what you’re referring to? Thanks!

Hi, only just seen this response… didn’t get a notification!

I’m on 4.10.1 so maybe its been fixed, but when in level blueprint, dropdown list on compile button has options to ‘Save on Compile’ or ‘Jump to Error Node’. Inside ‘Save on Compile’ all options are greyed out and ‘Never’ selected. Whereas is all other blueprints I have ‘On Success Only’ and for that matter Editor preferences for ‘On Success Only’ selected.


Ah, I apologize, I forgot about that dropdown menu. I’m not certain whether those are intended to work ( Level Blueprint is tied to map, which may have different save requirements), but I’ve created a bug report for options being grayed out (UE-27066). At very least, it would be nice to see a tool-tip explaining why options aren’t available, if it’s not possible to save-on-compile Level BP.

I’ll post here when I see any updates. For now, just be sure to Save level frequently as you make changes. Thanks!

Hey all,

bug report was returned as something we will not be fixing. This is because saving of level BP means saving of level - something we don’t want Blueprints to have control over (people could lose work if they don’t understand this correlation).

Thank you for your patience while we investigated this issue.

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