Can I use a custom movement component in navigation system?

i just tried using my own custom movement component that i derived from pawmMovementComponent. but as a tried, for example i had used the wheeledMovementComponent for the vehicle. i tried to make a same behaviour with the Character that used characterMovementComponent (using behaviour tree and moveToLocation Node) but it not get me the same result. it works fine in the Character (that used characterMovementComponent) but not in my own custom pawn Actor that used wheeledMovementComponent.

anyone can explain why is it?? or is it possible to do it?? using custom PawnMovementComponent??

up. still seeking the answer. it makes me to derived all my AI actor to be derived from ACharacter. which is not cool… :frowning:

I’m not sure what your problem really is. Can you share a stripped-down version of your project that exhibits issues you’re experiencing? That would be much appreciated and help us help you :slight_smile:

