[4.6.1] Tessellation not work well in planes & BSP

A. When i create the material in the sphere looks good but at preview in the map in plane or at preview in the material shape plane the subdivision and the details give bad results.
B. In BSP the tessellation don’t work.

Files: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28070491/UE/PackagePPK_Tes.7z

Bsp isnt exactly polgyons.
You shouldnt use it only for volumes and blocking out layouts, then replace it with meshes.
Do you just have an image of the material node setup?

You have the files in dropbox included the material with all setup, i tested in the plane mesh and not work as expected.

Image: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28070491/UE/Forums/TessellationDemo.png

Hey Hevedy -

I downloaded your assets and was able to see that your material and the tessellation works fine when you have enough vertices to tessellate. I am attaching a plane asset with 45K Tris, if you apply your material as is to this plane you can see that it will tessellate as you expect it to. The Displacement map you are using has a lot of fine detail and unless you have a significant number of verts to begin with there is still too many gaps between the tessellated vertices to generate an accurate displacement. A good way to test this effect on meshes is to turn on Wireframe in your mesh and it will show you the tessellated mesh and you can tell what level of detail you are able to generate with a displacement map.

Testing Asset

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum

Then i need subdivide the plane before use the tessellation no ?