RenderTargets fail to create or are not attached to material

Only difference is PlayFromStandalone or Play in editor. Shading material is completely wrong?? In my code, there are no path differences based on whether playing in editor or standalone mode.

Can it have something to do with the following message:

LogRenderTargetPool:Warning: r.RenderTargetPoolMin exceeded 604/400 MB (ok in editor, bad on fixed memory platform)

I tried changing this value to something bigger (eg 1024) but the message wont dissappear nor the wrong output.
The output you see in the image is from RenderTargets, so I figured this might be a problem not visible in editor but in final output as stated in the log output?

I figured setting r.RenderTargetPoolMin makes the editor no longer print the message: ‘r.RenderTargetPoolMin exceeded’.
However, i still get wrongly shaded output.
It has to do with the resolution of the RenderTargets.
Lowering them to 4x256 fixes the bug. But this is not desired. I am running a 980GTX so it should easily be able to allocate bigger render targets.
Changing the resolution to 512 already gives plenty of incorrect texture fecthings. It seems that the textures are not created at all? Or fail to create…
The log output of standalone game prints the following message constantly:

‘LogRenderer:Warning: Capture target size: 1024x1024 clamped to 1800x456.’

I dont understand this message since the targets are not even 1024x1024… And also, it does not say it failed creating the target sizes…

I found that someone else has had this problem before already:

I fixed this problem by doing the following:

Goto: YourProject/Config/DefaultEngine.ini → Script/Engine/RenderSettings

and Add:
