Wiki - FPS Tutorial (wrong image)

This is a wiki bug report.

This is the web page and section:

On that section you can find 4 images; one for each binding. The third and fourth images are the same, they are both Input_wasd_settings_3.png when the fourth one should be Input_wasd_settings_4.png.

The image currently in use is: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

And the image it should be using but is not: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Thus: The first three images are correct, just the fourth image has the wrong number.

You can edit the wiki

and see if that file name exists if you try entering it!

#Welcome 100GPing100 !

You’re awesome!


I completely forgot I had to login to be able to edit; I’ve fixed it. Why am I awesome?