Root Motion Warning for Client

Hello, I have a root animation for a character(a basic, straight charge) which I try to replicate across all clients. I’m using a multicast event to play it and it seems to work fine but I get this warning in the log

LogRootMotion:Warning: Server
disagrees with Client’s track
position!! ServerTrackPosition:
0.043700, ClientTrackPosition: 0.000000, DeltaTrackPosition: 0.043700. TimeStamp: 10.983173

and sometimes the client freezes for like half a second before it starts, but otherwise it seems to work(every client sees the animation and the movement happens properly)

I do not get this warning nor the freeze when I use it on the server (with listen server open),only with clients. Does anyone know why?

I too am receiving this issue. Except for me you can tell the client is fighting the servers position. This is only an issue when the client is bumping into a player while the animation is playing. Eventually it will stop playing the animation on client but continue to play and finish on the server. Which then breaks the animation from calling key notifies on the client so the client essentially breaks. I wish there was an event that would be callable in blueprints so I can take action when this breaks

Perhaps this will help you.

Mainly the 4th method

Did you by any chance ever figure this out? I am having same warning.