How to calculate impact force in c++?

I am looking for way to get impact force when my actors collide (HitEvent) with something?
I am not sure how to do this.
When I try to get velocity, get lenght and multiply it by weight I have weired results.

this->GetVelocity().ToDirectionAndLength(DirectionOwn, SpeedOwn);
float Force = SpeedOwn*TotalMass;

It give me realy strange results ;(

What do you mean by “strange”?

When i push 30kg object on wall with quite small velocity I recive 15000 force as output, I think it’s quite huge.

As i read, GetVelocity return value in cm/s (its unreal unit). So to for calculation I need to convert it to meters so divide value by 100.
After that i multiply it by ImpactNormal and by Mass. From this calculations should I recive impact force in Newtons? When I drop 30kg box from 400 Unreal units output is ~50N so I think it is to small :frowning:

Then scale down one of inputs one that add those 3 zeros

Then scale it as much as you need

I have some problems with calculation impact force in that way.
No mather how I scale it. When push it and object move on ground it collidem so hit events is called, and when i multiply mass by speed, it destroy, but I wont destroy it. But when I increase force limit, and drop object it not destroy.
That not the best solution to destroy objects on impact. I dont know how to solve it :frowning: