Making a static mesh from BSPs (that are also partially subtracted)

Hi all,

So I have been building my level in BSPs because they’re perfect for what I need. I recently found out that they’re more CPU/RAM intensive (I’m pretty sure it’s one of them) than static meshes and I plan on converting them into static meshes.

Some of my walls have a subtractive BSP within them, making a hole in them perfect for a door.

So my question is when I’m converting the BSPs into static meshes, how do I preserve the hole I had?

Hi ShrewGlue,

When you want to convert BSP with additive and subtractive parts all you need to do is select both the additive and subtractive that you want to convert. When you do this will preserve the hole that you’ve made for your door.

I hope that helps. :slight_smile:


ok, my question is related to this. i have converted BSP objects to static meshes. the problem im having is that my char, and anything else that is moving(like a rocket), passes through them like they werent even there, even though the collisions are set to Block All. what do i need to do to stop this from happening. i have tried everything and am at my wits end!!!

PS. parden my grammer. its because of my mouse. long story.

Once you convert to a static mesh you have to turn on collision for the object by specifying it.

ok…how do i do that??? im new to this part so im quite the newb

Open the created static mesh, then on the top click on collision. Then depending on your mesh choose either box collision, z collision, capsule collision etc.

If your static mesh/ converted BSP has multiple angles that are less than 90 degrees instead of doing the above paragraph, in the search bar on the right search for “collision” and then you should get a dropdown menu that says collision complexity, this is where you can select “use simple collision as complex”.

Do one of the above two paragraps, first if your mesh has angles greater than or equal to 90 degrees, and second if you have less than 90.

thank you!!!

Hi Shrewglue

I had a similar issue but now cannot seem to get collisions to work on my BSP-born static meshes. Even with “custom collision” and everything set to “on”.

Any ideas what might be going on?

Hi Shrewglue

I had a similar issue but now cannot seem to get collisions to work on my BSP-born static meshes. Even with “custom collision” and everything set to “on”.

Any ideas what might be going on?

Depending on your structure if you need basic collision for walls and other objects you could always make box collision and manually place invisible collision walls where needed, i know thats not ideal but that might help in your case.

you could manually place invisible collision walls where needed but it would be a pain depending on how complex your structure or object is. i know this wouldn’t be the best method but might get you out of a pinch i am currently going through some of the same issues ive made an entire neighborhood of houses out of brush additives and subtractivs and man is is putting a load on my cpu so i feel your pain i cant imagine adding collision walls to all of that mehh. if i figure out ta better way il post it here. good luck

Did you try setting it to “Use Complex Collision As Simple” this worked for my problem with the BCP converted meshs.