How to configure Paper2D nav mesh for sloped surfaces?

I have my NPC’s set to follow my player character and this works out fine until I get to a slope

As you can see, they will not follow me up a slope. Is this a limitation of Paper2D or is there a way to configure my nav mesh to get correct movement?

Here is how my nav mesh is currently set up:

Initially it would not even cover the slope, but I was able to fix this by messing around with CellHeight, AgentMaxStepHeight, and AgentMaxSlope. I basically followed the advice in this thread:

Still, no matter how many different combinations of values I try, my NPC’s will not climb up the slope. The best they will do is climb down

Hi cd,

I just tested this in 4.6.1 and I couldn’t get your results. This could be the reason, make sure that the Walkable Floor Angle for the AI is greater than the angle of the slope that you are using. You can find this setting in the Details tab of your AI blueprint.

Let me know if that works or not.



Thank you so much! I had assumed the odd shape of the nav mesh was the problem but you are right - my Walkable Floor Angle was too low