How to enter a while loop?

Hello :slight_smile:

I’ve got a problem with entering my while loop. No matter what bolean variable… either it’s not entering or it’s entering an infinite loop…
and I’ve already set my bool variable at the and of the loop… :frowning:

thanks in advance

For what you need that loop? Is it something that happens in span of more then one frame?


I need to get the location of both footbones so I can set a jumpfoot

here’s something like a pseudo code:

if the position of the right takeoff leg is in front of the root
then set right takeoff leg true

so it plays the animation sequence where the right leg is the takeoff leg

and there is a point where either the right nor the left leg could be the takeoff leg that ist why I want to use a while loop

Here’s the point I’ve mentioned


so you can see the foot is nearly true, but at that position both feet are false