How to use a local axis on an imported mesh?

I setup a local axis on a mesh in 3ds max I would like to animate in Matinee (see image). When I import this mesh in UE4, I can use only the global axis. What is the best way to get the local axis for my animation?

Hi Maxxi,

UE4 will not respect the local axis that was from any modeling program. The pivot is overwritten by the world origin. This is why it’s recommended when exporting your mesh from Max or any other modeling software where you want the meshes pivot to be at the world origin (0,0,0).

This feature has been requested and for using the pivot from the modeling program vs one that is created on import, but that there is no timeline for when/if this would be added.



Thanks Tim for your answer.
If I can’t use a local axis from a mesh imported from 3ds max, what is the workflow to get the same axis in UE4?

Right now you can use the viewport and middle mouse click to click on the white dot at the base of the move tool. You can move the pivot but this will not allow you to rotate it though.

Another method I’ve personally used and others have as well is placing the mesh in a Blueprint. When you create the BP place a scene component as the root and then have a static mesh component under that. Since the BP will use the root as the pivot the mesh can be rotated or adjusted in any fashion within the BP. It can be cumbersome since you don’t get Top/Front/Side views within the BP though.

There really needs to be a better solution for this, as you’re definitely not the first or the last that will ask for this, as unfortunate as that is right now.