Folliage Tool error

Hi Everyone,
I’m using unreal engine 4.7 preview 4 edition
and whenever i tried to open ant of my maps i got the following error

And i began to investigate what could cause it, I found out if i try to use my foliage tool at all on a new blank map it also give’s me this, is it a problem at my side or is it Ue4 preview edition?
i understand the preview edition can have some error’s
Kind Regards Christo

Hi Christo,

This was a known issue with the release of 4.7 P4.

It was mentioned in this post here: Unreal Engine 4.7 Preview - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Make sure to follow any updates about the preview releases via this thread as we do try to post any known issues so that other devs are aware.

This should be fixed with the next preview release. There is no specified date for that build yet that I’m aware of though.

