Anim trails on mesh without animation?

So, I have a weapon attached to my character and I want the weapon to produce animation trails but the weapon itself doesn’t have any animation. How am I supposed to use anim trails without an animation?

I also would like to know.

Me too has anyone found an answer to this? I tried this Anim Trails for Swords - Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums

but the set up does nothing for me.

yes i also want to know

i think there is one tutorial but it cost $10 , haven’t tried it but i followed his tutorials and did see he also had no animations for his weapons so probably this will work

may be try adding anim trails on the character animation ( for referecnce of the weapon use virtual sockets at the weapon start and end points)

Did you tried this:

  • Try to place a socket on the weapon mesh.

  • On your character, create a particle emiter using the trail effect

  • Attach it to your weapon and bind it socket to the socket location


For anyone else who uses this- note that the target is a Particle System Component. So you need to add a Particle System Component to your blueprint (a sword in my case) then can call this function on it

Works like a charm once you figure it out!