FULLSCREEN via Blueprint

First, I use the Third Person Template (Blueprint) version 4.7.0

I was reading different answer attempts how to get a build game fullscreen, but non of this helped me.
Config files were constantly blanked out again namely in Intermediate\Config\CoalescedSourceConfigs

  • GameUserSettings


as soon the game starts it’s all erased again.

If I want to (and I do want to) do this via Blueprint, how to?
I managed to Blueprint on escape key pressed quit game like this:

OnReleased (Player Start) connected to Quit Game
Event Escape Key pressed connected to Quit Game

when I play and press the Escape key, of cause the game quits.

can you give me a small tutorial to do fullscreen via Blueprint?
a small tutorial would be great

thanks in advance

A quick way to get it working:

  • Execute Console Command node
  • Command: r.SetRes 1600x900f

Connect a button to the node, or anything you want and done. If you want it back in windowed mode, set w instead of f

no, console doesn’t work

The solution seems to be not to create Blueprint projects - only C++ projects work.
I don’t know if this is a bug in Blueprint templates or not.

With C++ everything working perfectly normal.

“Execute Console Command” is blueprint node with all blueprint functionality. Can u reply me, why console doesn`t work for you?

adding “f” at the end of the res console command works thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you!