How to control additionally created player

So I’m making a racing game and want to add a local multiplayer (one PC).
I added additional players using the Create Player node and now it has a four-splitscreen setup.
But how do I control these created players? I tried posessing the pawns, but as I understand that only controls one player at a time.


Creating a player will create a new instance of the Player Controller numbered from 0 to 3. Zero (0) is the first player, even if you don’t have a multiplayer game up. If you use “Create Player”, it should return a Player Controller Object (correct me if i’m wrong). You can use this to posses a character. You could spawn the player with a Spawn from Class Node or with the Player Create Node itself.

For the controlls. You will need to add your controll settings at the Input Menu of your Project Settings. As far as i understood, having multiple GamePads at your pc will result in the Game getting your controllers one after another until all 4 Player Controllers have one GamePad.

Though i can’t test this (got only 1 controller) and i haven’t found any other information about this. I only know how to differ between a keyboard and a gamepad by creating Inputs for both and creating the Input Nodes inside the player controller 2 times. One time with “Add Movement” etc connected to “Get Player Controller 0” and one time with “Get Player Controller 1”.

This is all that i can tell you since i don’t have 2 or more gamepads at home.
Hope this still helps you.

I just learned that both Keyboard and 1st gamepad is only for 1st player. Sadly I too have only 1 controller. Anyways, Thanks for the reply. This helps