Getting android_app pointer without source code

I am attempting to implement my own implementation of the google play games services for the android mobile, specifically saved games. How would I go about getting the android_app*? I took a look at the source code for what is implemented so far, and it seems that they use a global pointer to it inside private functions. Something along the lines of:

extern struct android_app* GNativeAndroidApp;

How would I be able to get this pointer without actually using the source code? For reference, I am not including any online subsystem in my build and it is not using source code.

I think you should look up how to use Google Play APIs instead of trying to reverse engineer online subsystem code

Not sure about linking gpg library, UE4 seems to have it in ThirdParty so it should be easier then linking other external libraries, you might look up online subsystem for that

The problem is you do not own the andoird_main function since it is in source and it provides that pointer which is needed. Apparently the line of code I posted works, it compiled and built fine which is weird. It should have given me some error since it was defined as a global pointer in a private Launch.cpp file in source. It might have to do something with including andoird_native_app_glue.h .

Anyways, its working right now so onwards to the next batch of authentication bugs!

You know, you could try extend Google Plus online subsystem if you want to add extra features

I would but its easier said than done. Most of the implementation like the UI and other tasks such as syncing the tasks and calls to the server are abstracted to different sections of different subsystems. All said and done it would be more effective, since I am not developing an engine for others to use in an abstract manner, to build it from the ground up since most features are missing. The way it is setup right now would require source code and in-depth knowledge of the unreal online subsystem hierarchy which is poorly documented.

Using the samples from google and their sdk and adding it to an existing c++ project seems to me like the easier task, but if you have any suggestions i’m all ears :).