First person weapon effect

There is certainly a method to put your weapon on a seperate render pass to render it infront of everything else. But I don’t know how an it could mean you have to write it in C++.
Another Method would be to make it like e.g. Far Cry 4 … if the player gets to close to an obstacle, the avatar raises his weapon. That is how you would do it in the real world anyways…


You know in First person shooter games when your character is holding a weapon and no matter how close you stand to a wall your weapon never clips through the wall on your screen but to everyone else it goes through the wall. How do i produce this effect when in first person mode?

You can make bigger collision capsule for character, which cover your weapon mesh. If you’ll do that, mesh won’t dive into wall.

Yes, but if i have odd shaped collision for my player it will cause clunky movement, it will get caught on objects i don’t want it to. But if i have a normal round capsule and use the effect i described i think i will feel better in the long run but thanks for your response anyways.

Hey 2147 -

I was helpping another user with this same issue here,

I posted two possible solutions to the issue there and the user came up with a third issue. I have also added a request for our engineers to look into a more direct method to control Opaque Depth Sorting, UE-8520

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Hi Eric,
Do you know the current state of UE-8520? Also I think this always render on top hack should not only used to opaque mesh like weapon but also the gun flare particales which often spawn in front of the gun.

One more question What SetDepthPriorityGroup and SetViewOwnerDepthPriorityGroup suppose to do and how to use them?


Just wondering, did you ever get an update on UE-8520? Or a better method of achieving this effect?