How to share animation blueprint with multiple characters?

I am having a bit of trouble finding a way to correctly share animation blueprints with multiple characters.
The picture below shows exactly what I want to happen. Notice on the top right of the picture, how you have multiple options under mesh… (from the twitch stream found here - Twitch )

How do we share animation blueprints like this? Do all the skeletons need to be same? How do you account for different proportions? Does each character have its own “child” animation blueprint? What are the steps to make this happen? How do you handle all the different animations?

As you can tell I have a lot of questions on this, so I will appreciate any and all help. I wish there were more in-depth tutorials explaining the animation blueprint in more complexity.

Any ideas on where I could start please?

Hi , (nice name)

The animation blueprints can be shared but to only the same skeletons. If your characters all share the same bone hierachy, then you are set. You just need to set your animation blueprint in your character blueprint.

I ended up duplicating my animation blueprint for my different creatures to keep the state machines and node work the same. Then I just swapped out the referenced animations.

I hope that helps!
Have fun with your gamedev!

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No problem =)

Basically when you start adding meshes that have skeletons to your character blueprint, each of them can have their own AnimBP. If you look at my pic, you see that each of my meshes can have their own setting.

I actually have First Person and Third Person meshes in most of my characters. I usually duplicate the Third Person animation blueprint and modify it for the FirstPerson version.

I wanted to just show you “In General” how to reference your AnimBP. I hope that helps. =)

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That makes sense. Thanks for the info Devero. I guess I wonder if it is best practice to have multiple animation blueprints for different characters? I am also not entirely sure how the animation BP referencing works. Again, thank you for your help.

Thank you again! Okay, I think I understand. I will also run into the issue of first and third person meshes for all of my characters, so it is good that you brought that up. As far as I can tell, specifically, what you need to do is create an animation blueprint based on “ABP_A”, and use the “asset override editor” to change the animation. Is that correct? But then, how to do you change the mesh associated with that new ABP?

Yes, there is a special function for that :slight_smile:

Right click on your AnimBlueprint and you have the option:
“Retarget Anim Blueprints” then “Duplicate AnimBlueprint and Retarget”

This will allow you to pick a new skeleton.

Good luck :wink: