

I found nothing about this error, but in my team we get it in an other case, and solved by magic.
In my case :

I have made a BlueprintFunctionLibrary to get access to the game user settings

when I have only this :

void SetResolution(int32 Width, int32 Height, EWindowMode::Type WindowMode);

the code compile without error.

but when I expose the function to Blueprint like that :

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "User Settings")
	void SetResolution(int32 Width, int32 Height, EWindowMode::Type WindowMode);

I get this two error :

error : In UserSettings: Unrecognized type 'EWindowMode'
error code: OtherCompilationError (2)

any Idea ?

EWindowMode isn’t exposed to Blueprint so it can’t be used in a BlueprintCallable function. At least that’s my understanding.