How to project world coordinates onto a plane (mesh)?

I’m trying to project world coordinates onto a plane. By plane I don’t mean an FPlane, but a simple planar rectangular mesh. I think my problem is very similar to projecting a world coordinate onto the screen, but in my case the “screen” would actually be a plane in the world.

I’m then going to use this projected 2D coordinates to draw into a render texture and apply that texture to my mesh.

I’m not sure, but I think I need to use an FSceneView to do the projection. However, all the posts I found about FSceneView explain how to construct a scene view for/from a camera. I need to do the same thing for a rectangle somewhere in my world, if that makes sense. Any ideas?

I don’t know with what kind of plane you dealing with, but all you need to do is create distance vector between center of plane and point somewhere, unrotate it againsts plane rotation and this way 2 axis of that distance vector becomes 2D cordinate on that plane which is projection of object. Here what you can do if both plane and point are actors:

FVector Dist = Plane->GetActorRotation().UnrotateVector(Point->GetActorLocation() - Plane->GetActorLocation());
Position = FVector2D(Dist.Y, Dist.Z); //not sure if axis are right, it made so it works in my game :p

I am a beginner of UE 4. I just wonder where I should put this piece of codes in. Shoud I create a new .h or .cpp files?