Static FORCEINLINE float GetMappedRangeValue(FVector2D const& InputRange, FVector2D const& OutputRange, float Value)

Could anyone explain me how this method works ?

I assume that imput range is FVector2D(-100, 100) (range between -100 and 100)

Output Range is ???

Value is an value to which I want map particular range ?

Honestly I think I understrand this wrong. Bit more explanation with example of what is returned and how to access it would be much appreciated.

I don’t have the code in front of me to confirm this, but my guess is it converts a value within the input range to a value within the output range. So, let’s say you want to give designers a property that can go from 0 to 1 to make it intuitive for them, but under the hood that value need to really be from 0 to 1000 for the system they are controlling. Then you take those two ranges and the value set by the designer and plug them into this function and it converts the value between 0 and 1 to the equivalent value between 0 and 1000.

Does that make sense? It’s a similar concept to what is used in distribution parameters in Cascade.

Thanks. Yes it now makes more sense. I though this method would allow me to create direct 1:1 mapping between diffrent value to use later in code, but it’s not the since it convers value from 1…n to 0…1 space.