Issue with path finding node behavior tree

Hello guys!
I have a problem with my behavior tree.
Basically, I have a patroller that patrols between target points.
If he sees the player, he starts following him if the player is on the navmesh
If the player is not on the navmesh, I project the location of the player into the navmesh, then the patroller can move to the closest location on the navmesh to the player.
The projectPoint is ok but the “does path exist” is not always working when the player move in the navmesh.

The searchEnemy service set or not the Enemy Key if the patroller sees the player:

Here is a picture of the patroller behaving in the right way:

Here is a picture of the patroller behaving in the wrong way:

The player is obviously reachable as it is in the navmesh… I don’t understand why the decorator “does path exist” returns false.
Any Idea?

Have you tried using Log Visualizer? You enable it by calling vislog console command (there’s an option that does that somewhere, but I never remember where :D). Once the UI is up hit record and repro the issue. There’ll be an extensive loge recorded. You can either look through it yourself or send it our way so we can help you with it :slight_smile:


I just used it but I don’t find any problem except the one I mentioned.
Here are the logs. Do you need the .bvlog file?

Yes, bvlog file would be great.

link text

The log doesn’t contain all of the data I was expecting it to - we must have added it after the version you’re using. Would you mind posting an image of you’re behavior tree, preferably captured when AI is exhibiting the issue?

It shouldn’t go to this branch. It should follow the player as he is on the navmesh.

Yeah, not enough data. The log does say this decorator fails, but information on reasons is missing. The only way I can help you is if you shared your project with me, preferably a stripped-down version. Feel free to send it over to me via email (a link or something) to

I shared a link on google drive thanks alot

Darn it :smiley: the email should be (corrected the original entry as well). Could you send it again? And don’t worry, is our domain as well, your link is safe with us :smiley:

I finally fixed it!!
By using “Regular path finding " Path query type in the “does path exist” node instead of " navmesh raycast 2d”

To sum up, the answer here is: when using Does path exist decorator, and you do mean regular path existaance, make sure PathQueryType is set to RegularPathFinding.



I have another problem now …
As I use regular path finiding, my patroller doesn’t care about the navmesh anymore. And I want it to stop following me when the player is not on the navmesh. But if I use the navmesh raycast, the problem I had repops…