Camera FOV doesn't change in mobile

I use own MyCameraManager inherited from APlayerCameraManager.
Camera Location and its rotation works fine but fov doesn’t
In Editor view and mobile preview works fine, but not in ios (android is not tested yet)

Camera properties are controlled as follow, in UpdateViewTargetInternal virtual function

	OutVT.POV.Location = ViewLoc;
	OutVT.POV.Rotation = ViewRot;
	OutVT.POV.FOV = m_cameraFOV;

m_cameraFOV is private variable which is set by public setter during initializing game
But following code works fine in mobile (constant value)

	OutVT.POV.Location = ViewLoc;
	OutVT.POV.Rotation = ViewRot;
	OutVT.POV.FOV = 50.f;

Hello Cordis1203,

Would you mind providing me with the device you are having issues with, and some potential reproducible steps to get your issue to appear on my end?

Thank you,

After calling SetFOV() which is provieded as default unreal API in APlayerController, FOV varying at cameraManager is not working. I called SetFOV() during ACharacter initializing with APlayerController pointer.

whether using variable or constant turns out not reason for this. I think calling SetFOV() makes OutVT.POV.FOV not working in mobile.

Ok, no problem. On what device are you testing?

iPhone6 and iPhone5 both devices show the same result. I didn’t test android phone.

I experienced the same problem since 4.7 P5 release. The 4.7 P4 release has been working fine with FOV change.

Now, with the “FOV Set” BP node, FOV change don’t work in any preview mode. (No testing on device)

Edit : Same thing with the “Aspect ratio” set node.

Would either of you mind showing me how you have your BP set up to change/edit the Field of View?

Thank you,

I got same question when I change fov in simple vr mode

How are you changing your FOV through blueprints? Also, VR is going to be different as the FOV for VR is a bit unique in comparison to a player camera.