Matinee not rendering lit translucent particles


Have an issue all of a sudden with my particles not rendering the same from my matinee as they do in the editor.
In the editor I get exactly what I’m after, translucent particles being lit from underneath via a spotlight/point in a blueprint.
Once I render them out they go dark as if they aren’t picking up any light.

Here are some screenshots.

You can see in the top one that the particles are being lit how I want and are picking up the BP light, but once I render them they take on new settings or something.
I have built my particles off the steam_lit example and even it doesn’t work in my scene. I have a light directly underneath the particle and it’s failing to do any translucence.

It only happens once I choose translucent blending mode, I am using TLM_Volume_Directional, tried different settings for all the translucent options. But getting shafted here.

Please any advice would be great.

OK!. I’ve spent an entire day trying to fix this and by chance I got the solution, the problem was caused by Truesky plugin, but I got it to work by double clicking my matinee window titlebar and then again to bring it back to real size and it magically forces a redraw and my lighting is working again.

Such pain.