How can I get the Player Camera to fade in from black via game start?

I followed this tutorial.By Tesla Dev

I just want My Player's Camera to fade in from black. Via like others cameras I'd assume right

How do I tell to run on my players camera? i’ve got it set up just like the video and it doesn’t work.

Did you tried to use timelines on camera component?

Im not sure what ya mean

Easy if you’re using UMG. Take your widget and add an image component that covers the whole screen area and set its color to black and fully opaque and on top of everything else in z order. Make an animation that changes the color and increases the transparency over a few seconds. Create a function “Fade In” in the widget blueprint that plays this animation. In your other game code, wherever you call “Add to Viewport” on the widget, add a call to this new fade in function right after it.

I’ll give this a shot. I figured it would be as simple as playing the fade to the player camera. I would assume that would be the easiest possible solution IF it’'s possible.

thank you

I don’t understand.
Can someone just tell me how you get a to control a players camera???

You saw Tesla’s tutorial but you can’t get it to work? Did you set it to auto activate?

I have a sequence setup that works fine.
THEN I have a setup just like he says. I trigger it to play after the beginning is over so the camera of the player will fade in then. But theres no fade. And all of the other cameras operate it fine…It’s like im just not operating the players camera when I hook it up the way he does,.

do you have some blueprint code there you can post for us to see? i’ve not tried switching cameras with , perhaps the fade is playing on the old camera.

I can’t print screen currently. :confused: i apologize.

I have it setup in my level blueprint. It plays 5 matinees…I don’t really know how to setup more than one camera in …I needed five camera shots so…5 matinees…tada…The as the last camera fades out I have a 6th . In that one its setup just like Tesla. In the level BP it sets to play that one last. And it has a fade…The fade deosnt happen./…I don’t understand.

But if Im correct. Im being told that if I setup a and just create a director track with fade track attached with it will operate the player camera…And i’m not sure exactly how that’s possible anyway…so I’m confused…by this entire situation…