How do I make a multiplayer Pickup?

I currently have a pickup system that allows the player and the NPC to collect health. How do I make it so that the health is only available to the pawn that needs it. I’m setting collision to false on all health blueprints actors in the level when either pawn’s health is full. This makes the other pawn unable to overlap any health pickups until the other pawn’s health is not full.

My pickups are based on the parent-child blueprints from the Content Examples.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Overlap events got “Other Actor” output which outputs actor that triggered the event, you can check his health status using it (you cast it to your character class so you can get health variable), so code can decide to give health to actor or not.

Think a little bit deeper and out of the box if you have such inefficient ideas like disabling collision when one of the players are full ;]

Not the answer I’m looking for but thanks for taking the time to respond.

Why is it, you want to improve condition checking right? Then this is the way, whats what Other Actor output was made for