How to import future version levels?

My friend made me a level using unreal engine 4.7.1, and I use 4.6.1. Game crashes when I put his .umap in my content folder, and importing level does not work. Is there any way to convert level to be compatible with 4.6? Thanks.

Try to:

  1. Open this level with 4.7.1. version then press ctrl+A and ctrl+C with active viewport, to copy all scene objects.
  2. Open your project with 4.6.1., create a new map and open it. Click somewhere in viewport and press ctrl+V.

I did same to copy level (as a bug workaround) and it worked. But maybe there are some objects in this level which are exclusive for 4.7 version, then i don’t know how to convert it.

Duplicate of How do you open a later version level in a previous version? - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums