Expose "Template" parameter in "Spawn Actor from Class" node

According to this post:

With C++ we can make a copy of an actor, by providing “Template” parameter to SpawnActor function. I’m looking for the similar functionality in Blueprints but this parameter is not exposed. How this can be added to Blueprints?

One note, SpawnActor is not exposed, Spawn Actor node is custom made extended from UK2_Node class

So “Spawn Actor from Class” node in Blueprints is not related to mentioned “SpawnClass” method in C++?

Hmm, maybe there is a different solution then. I’m just looking for efficient way to copy an Actor in real-time using Blueprints. Spawning an Actor of the same class and copying properties one by one is really tedious and not flexible as it will require a custom event graph for different Blueprints.

I agree, I’m also looking into this right now. The “template” method would be great if something similar would be implemented in the Spawn Actor Blueprint node. I hope someone from Epic look at this and chime in on the subject.

This would be of great use if it was implemented/exposed.