Post processing not working ecxept ambient occlusion

I enabled any effect in the project settings, viewport setting, camera and post processing volume. but I can only see ambient occlusion.

Hey Viewtron,

There are a few places you can check to make sure your post process settings are being implemented correctly.

Firstly, click on the ‘Post Process Volume’ in your scene. To have your post processing affect your entire scene without adjusting its physical size, you need to check the ‘Unbound’ option.

Unbound Post Process Volume

Next double check the settings within your ‘Post Process Volume’ that you wish to see, are also enabled.

Secondly, check your ‘Engine Scalability Settings’ to make sure your ‘Post Process Effects’ are set to ‘High’ or ‘Epic’.

A third solution would also be to check your ‘Project Settings’ within the ‘Rendering’ section. Use the image below as reference for where to find these default settings.

Default Post Process Settings


Hopefully one of these suggestions resolves your issue, but if you are still having trouble seeing some of your Post Processing Effects let us know and we can troubleshoot a bit more.


I found it, I disabled Mobile HDR in the Project Settings, enabled it now it’s working again.

So helpful! For some reason my PP setting had set itself to Low while everything else was set to Epic. I was pulling my hair out for days! Thanks!