Incremental lighting build

Is there a way to do an incremental lighting build, for example, selecting just one lighting importance volume, so lightmas only recreate lightmaps for the objects that lay inside that volume, and so reduce build times when doing tests in a big map?

I have read that sublevels could be the solution to this, but are sublevels just a way to group things in the level, or have further implications in the way the map works?

Hello janherca,

Depending on how large your map is, you might want to switch over to dynamic lighting. This will get rid of light build times entirely, but will also have a small cost in performance. One of our very informative and helpful community members explains how to go about to this on a similar post found here

If you would like to continue to use the Lightmass Importance Volume and baked lighting, be sure to adjust the bounding box around the area you only wish to build. You can divide your scene into sections using World Composition if you are building a really large environment.

The documentation for ‘Lightmass Basics’ and ‘Lightmass Global Illumination’ provide really great information on how to implement and improve baked lighting.

Lightmass Basics

Lightmass Global Illumination

Another great resource for an answer to your question can be found on the Forums.

Lightmass for Large Worlds

I hope you find your answer within the documentation provided, but if you still have questions let us know!


Thanks, the links have been very helpful, specially the one of the forums.