How do you expose C++ properties to the Rocket Editor?

I see that this question briefly touches on that, but doesn’t really give an answer or example as to how he is doing this.

I’m able to make changes to my camera using C++ now, but obviously it is a bit of a pain to write it in Visual Studio, build, then test. From what I understand, I could create a blueprint extending from my camera class and make changes in the editor that way, but how do I determine which properties are exposed?

i believe the UPROPERTY(…) part is what exposes it to the editor, though i’m not entirely sure.

From what I could gather from the programming reference
I believe that is true as well. It would just be far easier to understand if I could see 1 block of code that illustrates how this is done. Headers and .cpp files mixed with private and public blocks begin to confuse me.

Yes, you need to add the UPROPERTY() macro and the Category keyword when declaring the variable in your class’s header file (.h file) in order for it to show in the editor, i.e:

float MyProperty;

Edit: I should read the whole question! You may also need to use one of the Blueprint keywords (BlueprintReadWrite, etc.) depending on your use case. I don’t have Rocket in front of me to look up the exact names, but they should all be listed in ObjectBase.h, which I think you can see in the external references in Visual Studio.

Just the answer I was looking for Jeff!

Thank you, I’ll implement that now!