Reflection Capture is Always Black

Hey, I’m trying to get sphere reflection capturing to work right now, but my surfaces that should be reflecting are always showing up black. The reflection visualization is completely black as well.

The reflections work properly in the content example, but I can’t make them work in my simple test scene.

This is what I’ve tried so far:

  • Made a material with a white base
    color, 1.0 metallic, and 0.0
  • Placed an object in the scene with this material (There are other
    objects in the scene should hopefully
    be reflected)
  • Placed a SphereReflectionCapture object with a large enough radius to
    cover my objects
  • Tried updating my reflection captures

Is there anything that I’m missing?


I managed to figure out the problem. I had to turn on “Allow Static Lighting” in Project settings > Rendering > Lighting

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