"Could not start SRT exporter"

I’m using v7 and I’ve saved my tree model. I need to convert the given .spm file to a .srt file so I can import it into UE4.

When I use the compiler and I compile the tree, I get the following error:

[ERROR] Could not start SRT exporter

I noticed another user had the same issue but none of the solutions worked for me. What’s wrong?

Hi John,

We forgot to include the win32 redistibutable with the recent v7.1.1 installer. You can download the redistributable here. Once you install it the SRT exporter should run just fine.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi John
Have you fix the problem?
I also Meet the same problem,But finally,I solved by myself,You can get the ".SRT"file after you click choose the save as with assets……
Hope It will help you.