Could anyone help me sort out a see-saw puzzle in blueprint?

I was hoping someone could help me figure out how to create a blueprint so as when I put a heavy object down on one end of a platform then the other end would be raised while that end was lowered, like a see saw thus allowing the player to go on to a higher point.

you could try using physics constraints:

or you could set up a skeletal mesh with 2 poses, fully tipped towards either side, and lerp between those poses. you could have a collision volume on each side that adds overlapping objects to a list, and removes objects that exit the collision area. every time something enters or exits one of the collision volumes, you recalculate the mass totals. for every object on the left side, go through and add up all the masses. do the same for the right side.

then compare:
if both sides are equal, interpto the alpha value towards .5. if the left side is larger, interpto 1. if the right side is larger, interpto 0.

for a better result, maybe you can adjust the interpTo speed based on difference in mass totals, and maybe you will need to adjust the mass of each object based on its speed, multiplying its downward velocity by a constant, then adding it to the mass, so the speed of moving objects will affect the simulation.

if you want to stack things on each side, you may have to replace the collision volumes with a system that attaches the objects in a hierarchy, so the sea saw checks if its children have children, and keeps going until the entire tree of attached objects is accounted for.