I have problem with Shadows

So i had my small project for studies and after playing around with lights this happend. I can’t get things right after whatever made this happen. Shadows got all buggy and i have no clue what to do. Please help!

This is just a guess, but looks to me like your vertex normals on your imported mesh are messed up. Try opening the static mesh editor for any meshes that have broken shadows and enable the checkbox for “Recompute Normals”, like in this screenshot:

Then you’ll need to click ‘Apply Changes’ (or reimport the mesh using the menu action or button further down in the details pane.)

If that doesn’t work, we can try some other things.

Thing is most of bugged shadows are on bsp brushes.

Ok. Could you take a screenshot of the material editor for the material you’ve applied to the brushes that are having shadowing problems?

Its one of starter content materials.

It’s a normal problem, try to change normals of your mesh a bit, and they will look good. if you are working in 3dsMax try some Auto Smooth in Polygon Smothing group in Editable poly stuff. select the black surface and click Auto Smoth. I have the same problem in UDK and I managed to fix it.

Could changing anything in global post process change things? Or maybe lights casting both dynamic and static shadows.

It could be several things. Are you using static or dynamic shadows?

I already said that problems are with BSP brushes, meshes that are imported from 3ds are fine. Is is possible to change normals of BSP brush? I’m new to UE so i’m still learning a lot.

I don’t think that would be possible to change a bsp normal , check the size of light map that you specify to this brush. and if the problem didn’t solved yet, don’t wast your time with BSP and use a plane mesh instead. :smiley:

Now apparently this happend to other meshes imported from 3ds… I have no clue whats happening here.

There is nothing(other meshes) that would product such shadows on this meshes.
3ds models are glass and window frames.

Hi LinQ,

I can take a look for you and give some feedback if you’d like to share any asset that is giving you shadowing issues. You can post here or send to me a private message on the forums (https://forums.unrealengine.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=4894) and I can have a look.

Let me know.