Bullet spawn collision

I have a bullet blueprint that is spawned at the location of my character / enemies. In my enemy BP for example I have an arrow component that is used as the spawn location. The bullet bp has an Event Hit node which I use currently to check who gets hit and to reduce health of that person respectively. This worked fine as long as my character was the only one shooting. However when the enemy fires this:


and subtracts health from the enemy that fired the bullet! Is there a better way to implement this so that I have a reference to who shot and therefore who should be ignored by the collision?

Well I would be suspect of where you spawned the bullet and it’s trajectory if it is hitting the guy who fired it… But an easy way of handling friendly/enemy fire is to either put a flag variable on every bullet that says whose side its on, or just make one blueprint for friendly bullets and another for enemy ones.

I tried fiddling with it but in order for it not collide I had to put it so far out it looked weired… I’m going with the flag method. Thanks!