Re-aligning Static Meshes

I have an issue where each static mesh I import is spawned in on its side at a 90 degree rotation by default. This is obviously a huge issue for when I am using the foliage brush, as all of my vegetation spawns in on its side.

I’ve tried messing with both the roll, pitch, and yaw values under “Import Rotation” in the static mesh editor, but it doesn’t seem to affect the plant whatsoever

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Hi Photonmammoth,

When you export from your modeling software make sure that you have the mesh facing in the positive x-axis and that the setting in the FBX export are set to Z-up.

This is our documentation for externally created assets standard:

I know you mentioned that you cannot adjust the rotation on import. Is it with this mesh in particular or any mesh that you try to import. Using some test assets I have works on my end using 4.6.1.

Let me know.


Thanks for the tips! It seems that I was using an OBJ file, it was getting a little wry with it, but the FBX attempt at it worked just fine :slight_smile: Back to more speed tree and blender @_@