What are event reply actions in blueprint?

I’m curious about event reply actions and how to use them. Some look useful (like ‘set user focus’). They sound like normal actions (set, capture, clear, release) but look I don’t know how to fire into a “reply” input.

Any insight into how these work or are intended to be used would be appreciated. There doesn’t appear to be any documentation about them that I could find.

Yep, I found those. As a non-programmer I can’t make much sense of it, or what to actually do with those things in blueprint. Thanks for checking, though.

It seems to be Slate specific (UMG is blueprint frontend of Slate) reply to event system

You can find soem descriptions here too:

Looking at it, it seems it’s all about sending information to code what you gonna do with event or something like that, do you gonan handle it or not. Try draging the blue filped squere pin and see what you can connec to it in conntect menu, maybe it will enlight you