Why is building lighting destroying my frame rate?

I have a map. The character only walks around on a small amount of it but it’s huge visually. When I build the lighting I usually can in probably 5 or 6 minutes at production level lighting. No problem. However once I build the lighting my fps in dropped to literally like…2…when it was previously 50.

Now I built the lighting again… but turned the cast shadows off of my main source light…and the shadows were gone but the fps is back up…

So it seems turning shadows on my main source light is causing my build to wreck my fps…but I see these shadows in games ALL THE TIME!! …why is it giving me such an issue???

I run windows 7 64 bit with an i7 8 core.
12 gigs ram. And Nvidia GTX 770 over clocked.

If anyone can help. The shadows look AMAZING but I don’t know how to stop the frame rate problem…:confused:

It seemed that it wasn’t building my lighting that did this…it was the shadows. problem semi solved. :slight_smile:

I have a similar problem, after building lighting, my fps drops ~10 FPS, and there isn’t any difference in visuals. Which shadows caused your problem? It’s strange that static shadows decrease FPS, because it’s only a baked texture. Did you managed to solve this magic? :slight_smile:

OK, i’ve figured it out, my foliage meshes was set to cast dynamic shadows. Still don’t know why building lighting dropped FPS though :stuck_out_tongue:

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