Problem applying material to Imported mesh

For the last few days I have been trying to import a FBX file created in Blender into Unreal Engine 4. Every time I do so. The scale is correct , but when I tried to apply textures or materials from the starter content such as this clay tile it always messes up. I have been looking through the tutorials and I still can’t figure out what’s wrong. I tried changing the scale, changing the number subdivisions, changing the UV map, changing the mesh and its attributes in the mesh editor and various other strategies, but nothing seems to work. I have noticed that the texture looks right on imported meshes that are 100 x 100 , but if an imported mesh is any other size the texture messes up. I just want to know how to fix this problem so I can start importing more complex models.

I think you mean that the size and orientation of the texture is wrong? → this can be fixed with the uv map in your 3d program. There you just have to scale the uv up/down and rotate it. Another way is to use the material to scale the texture, but I personally would do it in your 3d program :slight_smile:

At first I was confused because my UV map looked like the picture below.

Rotating the mesh or UV map didn’t really change anything . So I decided to focus on changing the size of the UV map. After doubling the size of the map and importing the new FBX file into Unreal. With the default grid texture It looked a little strange, but after I applied the material. It worked. The texture was the right size and orientation.

Thanks for your help