Trouble Getting Actor Location to Update in Behavior Tree?

So, I want to be able to see where the actor is, and if it’s within certain areas, there’s a possibility that, for example, he’ll walk up to a counter and wait for a bit, or stand next to a table. The problem is, I’m able to get the Actor Location and store it in a Blackboard variable, but despite running a service to get the location at several points in the BT, I only ever get the spawn location. Any idea why this might be happening? I’ve been looking all over for a solution, but everything that I’ve seen either hasn’t work, or is over my head. Any help is appreciated!

Make you’re you’re fetching controlled pawn’s location, not controller’s. A common mistake, which basically makes it a design flaw on our end. We’re looking for a proper fix, but for now don’t use controller’s location - you’ll always end up getting spawn location.



Oh! That fixed it! Thank you so much!


oh wow… you saved my life !
Thank you.! ! ! !