AnimBP Bug

It appears that newly created animation blueprints will fire themselves during any form of PIE if they have been newly created during that session and even if no assets in the scene reference them at all. Restarting the editor alleviates the problem altogether but it’s still a weird bug.

Replication method:

  1. Create a new animbp off any skeletal mesh

  2. Add an empty state machine with an empty state

  3. In the event graph, tie in a print string

  4. PIE (will print on tick)

  5. Restart the editor

  6. PIE (problem solved, no output from print)

Hi Hitpawz,

I was able to reproduce this issue following your repro steps and have generated the following bug report: JIRA [UE-9528]. If this issue is addressed, an update will be added to this post.

Thanks for your help in improving the Engine!

Are you still experiencing this behavior in the latest version of the Engine? I was not able to reproduce this behavior in UE4.12.5 but I wanted to make sure I’m following the repro steps correctly since it’s been a while.

I don’t believe this is an issue in the newer version. I can’t check right now but I will report back this evening.

Confirmed, it’s fine in 4.12.5

Thanks for lookin into it .