Is there a way to add a modifier on a timeline?


I’d like to know if there is a way to add modifier on a timeline, such as Noise, for example ?

Thank you

Hey Alroc,

Is what you are looking for covered in the Timelines section on the wiki? What are you looking to do with the Timeline exactly?


So, i have a material with an emissive channel, and i want to set the “glowing” value following kind of an animation.
Basicaly what i’m trying to do is kind of a burning red hot piece of wood.
So i want the value to evolve erratically.

It follows the following values :

Key :0 t= 0 v= 20
Key :1 t=2 v= 80
Key :2 t=4 v = 20

What i want is to not have a clean curves, but a noisy one with lots of imperfection.

Not sure if i’m clear, my english is far from perfect i’m afraid :/.

There isn’t a noise modifier currently, so you’ll have to set those values manually.

What about using an effect? Something along the lines of what’s seen in the Content Examples Blueprint_Communications map. At the end of the corridor, there is a sphere that you can catch on fire. An effect is played on top of the sphere which simulates the wood burning, sporadically like you might be after.

Also, if you look at the Blueprint_Effects map and take a look at the Beam Emitter with a Noise Module section, you can simulate the flickering there as well.

Thanks for the help ! sounds great, i’m trying this right away.