Can't include custom library

I am trying to set up Kinect voice commands in a test Unreal project. After struggling with the unofficial Kinect plugin, I have decided to try another approach. I built a library in a separate Visual Studio project, and am currently exporting it to a static library (.lib).

I opened my Unreal project in MSVS by adding a new, blank class.

I followed this wiki tutorial up to the end of the “UE4 Build system” step, at which point the project builds successfully.

I made a new version of the header for the main class in this library, which doesn’t refer to any other classes besides std::string. Including that made the project happy, until I tried to call the constructor/destructor of this class, defined in the stripped-down header. Now I get an unresolved external symbol error for both the constructor and the destructor.

Why isn’t my game project finding the function definitions in the static library? The constant WITH_KINECT_LISTENER_BINDING that my .build.cs file is supposed to add when the library loads is now defined as 1, which seems to say that the library is being found. But again, the unresolved external symbol error says otherwise.

Update: I thought my library was outputting for x64, but I guess I was mistaken. I fixed it so it now outputs to x64, and the Unreal project is now finding my own KinectListener functions. However, it is now getting Unresolved External Symbols for the Kinect SDK calls in my library.

It turns out that my updated issue was due to my custom library being compiled for Debug. I had an unrelated problem getting it to compile for Release, but once I fixed that my game finally compiled.